Wednesday, August 5, 2009

How About Some Me Time?

We all deserve some me time, so I'm going to start taking an hour or two each day just for me. During my me time there will be no work, no email, no painting, no steaming, no nothing. Just me and my thoughts and doing whatever makes me happy. Yesterday's me time was two hours in the pool swimming and floating all by myself with absolutely NO DISTRACTIONS. Thankfully, my neighbor has a pool. And, thankfully, my neighbor is my sister!

I'm taking me time each day as a way to help de-stress my life. Yeah, problems and headaches are still there after my me time, but I'm more mellow as I attack them. Today's me time . . . back to the pool because it is humid and hot, sticky and sweaty and a dip will feel great.

Oh, look at the time! It's time to go grab some me time!!!

1 comment:

  1. I agree, we so need time to ouselves or we feel as if we could explode. My best metime recently was a present a friend bought me. It was full of fantastic soap goodies. To have a quiet soak all to myself, was wonderful. She got it from a place called metime at
